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We’re proud to announce that we have achieved the Planet Mark Business Certification globally, demonstrating our commitment to reducing our impact on the planet. This is an incredible achievement involving the entire company.
The Planet Mark Business Certification is an internationally recognised sustainability certification for all organisations acknowledging continuous progress, encouraging action and building an empowered community of like-minded individuals.
In order to achieve this sustainability certification, we’ve followed a robust three-step process: Measuring our impact, engaging everyone in the business and communicating our progress. We have measured our own carbon footprint and will continue to take responsibility of our carbon emissions to have a positive impact on planet and society. We are also contributing to the UN SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) as we believe that it’s important, more than ever, to do more good and create a sustainable future.
At Impellam Group, we are committed to making environmental improvements to drive a more sustainable future and to improve the social, economic and environmental wellbeing of the communities in which we operate.
Our entire business has contributed to our achievement in becoming Planet Mark certified, and every individual will continue to play an important role in our sustainability commitment.
Our vision is to be the world’s most trusted workforce and STEM talent solutions group. Impellam is committed to being a trusted sustainability partner to candidates, customers and colleagues and to the year-on-year reductions needed to reach net zero by 2050.
Speak to our workforce and STEM talent solutions experts to find out how we can help you build a better business.