By April 2018, UK companies with over 250 employees will be reporting on their gender pay gap figures.

These 9,000 reports will provide a snapshot of the difference in average pay between all the men and women in a workforce. It’s part of the Government’s initiative to help “break the glass ceiling and create a more modern workforce.”

Like most countries, the UK knows it has a gender pay gap and most companies are expected to report one in this first year. Some of the reasons for the gender pay gap can be tackled by individual companies: creating well paid flexible work in senior positions, for example. Others, like some lower paid roles being traditionally viewed as ‘women’s work’ or a lack of diverse role models in some sectors, require everyone from employers to institutions to parents to work together to overcome perceptions.

The sciences are one area where women are typically under-represented, making up only 35% of the professional, scientific and technical roles in the UK according to WISE.

SRG, Impellam’s science, clinical and engineering specialist recruitment brand, recently shared four female role models that are making an impact on today’s industry and hopefully will inspire future generations of women to redress the balance. These include Nina Tandon, CEO of skeletal reconstruction pioneers EpiBone, and molecular biologist Cynthia Kenyon who is working with Google to help us live longer. Check out the full blog.

One of our own female role models, Lorien and onezeero CEO Claire Marsh, has been sharing her experience of working in recruitment and busting the myth of it being ‘hyper-masculine’. Together with Matt Holmes, managing director of onezeero, she’s launched ‘Cultivating Career Equality’, aimed at increasing gender diversity within their own organisations and technology recruitment. Find out more here.