Findings from our Lorien candidate sentiment research survey, “What Tech Candidates Want” showed no under 25s from the tech world want to work in the office full time, and 61% of 35–44-year-old candidates wanted to work remotely all of the time. 

The TALiNT Partners article '
72% of companies, globally, have mandated a return to the workplace' features our research and includes Joanna Fagbadegun, our Director of Sales at Lorien.


She commented '“The results of the Unispace study don’t come as a huge shock – the culture clash between employees and employers in relation to returning to the office has been brewing for several months now. When I talk to clients, contacts, colleagues, friends and family about work, the discussion inevitably turns to remote vs hybrid, but more importantly – choice. Choice around which days and/or how many days you work from home vs the office. As prospective candidates and employees emerge into post-pandemic life it’s not one size fits all, and I think the increased desire to see staff return to the office comes at an incredibly tricky time; in the UK we’re dealing with record interest rates, unreliable public transport due to strikes, high costs of commuting… and to top it all off, your lunchtime sandwich and drink rarely leave you with much change from a tenner anymore.... It’s hard to say which way it will go as the market shifts away from being so dominantly candidate-led. I suspect there is a mental game of ‘chicken’ being played between employers and employees in relation to the return to the office, and it’s now a case now of who will blink first!”


Read the TALiNT Partners article here.


Check out our Lorien research survey report here.